Stories from adopters and pets and their experience with their new best friend(s)

Before and after pics on rescued dogs that depict their happiness after hardship

Pics from Carrie and happy adopters

Success stories
"I had the most wonderful experience adopting through all fur love SD. Carrie was such a pleasure to work with and she was dedicated to finding me the perfect match.
I adopted Mariah & Bianca over a year ago and they have brought so much love, laughter, and joy into my life. This dynamic duo is always keeping me on my toes and they love a good snuggle. Carrie will always be my Fairy Dog Mother! #shihtzumama"

"Hi! My name is Gigi.
Gigi is not the first name I've had, but it is now my forever name. The nice people at the Humane Society in El Cajon called me Zoey and that is where Carrie with All Fur Love rescued me. Carrie took me to her home where there were several other small dogs like me. I was a little nervous and scared at first, but soon realized I was in a safe place where I had lots of food, water, toys and love. There was also a big grassy area where we all played, chased balls and little squeaky toys. Soon after I arrived, Carrie took me to visit her Vet who checked me all over to see if I had anything physically wrong that needed treatment (everything checked out A-okay). Not long after I arrived at Carrie's, a lady came to visit. She seemed happy to meet us all, but I thought she gave me extra attention. I stayed at Carrie's for a while and tried to be a good girl. I must have done okay because Carrie kept telling me, "good girl" and gave me hugs and kisses and sometimes treats (yum). I love Carrie a lot and thought this was my new home. Carrie took me for another car ride to a different home that belonged to the lady who came to visit us (and seemed to like me best). Carrie and the lady talked a lot and we all walked around the house and fenced yard. Before I knew what was happening, Carrie walked out the door and disappeared behind the gate! I waited and waited for her to come back to get me, but she never did. I was really sad, but the lady took me on her lap and petted me and petted me and let me know I was going to be alright. She told me she was my human Mommy and that this was my forever home. Since then, I couldn't be happier: lots of lap time, yummy food & treats, and walks around the neighborhood. My human Mommy and I have a special bond of love, but I'll never forget Carrie and how she rescued me."
-Gigi (and Mommy Cathleen)
"Carrie is the best at allfurlovesd! She loves and cares for her rescue dogs like family. My husband and I went to adopt one dog and came home with two. We adopted Harper, a morkie, and Reba, a maltipoo from her and couldn’t be happier. They are such blessings to our entire family, including our young grandchildren who absolutely love them! We highly recommend her and we are so fortunate to have found her!"
-Ray and Sharon

"In the spring of 2018 we met our Point Loma neighbor Carrie Noe while we were on a walk. We stopped to talk and to admire her yard full of cute small dogs. We learned Carrie operated a home for small “rescue” dogs.
At the time, we were not thinking of getting a dog, but were keeping an eye out for a small dog for our friends. However, we couldn’t help but notice how cute one of Carrie’s dogs was – her name was Bella. After a few more trips to Carrie’s we found ourselves falling for Bella! Carrie got to know us and thought we would be a good match with Bella. We took Bella home for a ‘trial weekend” and she has never left!
We have gotten to know Carrie well and know she loves and takes excellent care of her dogs. We are so thankful that Carrie matched us with our beautiful and precious Bella."
-Liz & Pat Grimm
"All Fur Love was so amazing in spreading LOVE to our family. Love that came to us in a little shih tzu we named Maggie May.
Carrie and Babe knew how our family was looking for a new dog to love. With that they found us the most loving, friendly, loyal little girl.
All Fur Love gives so much to all the dogs they rescue.
The rescued dogs become their family until they are placed in a loving, permanent home.
Maggie is the love of our lives. It makes us all so happy knowing that All Fur Love will continue to bring so much love and joy to other dogs and other other families.
How we miss you Babe."
-Pete, Kathy and Family

"Our pet adoption was a breeze thanks to Carrie Noe who we refer to as our auntie Carrie. I told my daughter that she was allowed to get a dog when she turned 7 just like I did. Auntie Carrie knew I was looking and was waiting for the right match.
When she called and said one of her rescues were having babies and there were 3 adorable puppies we went and had a look. We watched the three puppies closely and I called my mom to come take a look to help me decide. She had recently lost her dog a few months prior. Well with that being said I really fell in love with this HANDSOME boy who we call Frank Sinatra.
Everybody was pushing the girl dog who was absolutely beautiful but I knew Frank was a match for us. My mom called my dad right away for him to stop by to look at franks sister and let’s just say we both went home happy with the best two dogs.
Auntie Carrie made this experience so easy. She kept us updated on their shots and even gave us a goody bag of supplies. Auntie Carrie goes above and beyond and really cares about each animal. When you adopt from them you become part of the family. So thank you auntie Carrie for finding the finishing puzzle to our family. We love you and can not be more thankful."
"We have been neighbors of All Fur Love and Carrie Now for many years. Daily we have walked by and shared hellos and pets with all of her furry friends. One day, two years ago, our attention was caught by a white and tan male Shih Tzu with an undeniable underbite. After walking him and then fostering him, we decided to make him part of our family. Throughout the adoption process until today, Carrie Noe has been exceptionally helpful with her extensive breed knowledge and care. Frankie was groomed and bathed; visited a veterinarian; had all of his vaccinations updated; he was chipped and was neutered before we received him as our own. Our Frankie adores her and loves to visit and play. Thank you Carrie for bringing Frankie into our lives. We love him so."

"Carrie helped us find the perfect pet for our family! After a year of us searching, Carrie introduced us to Oakley, whom she had rescued. She did an amazing job making sure we were the right fit for Oakley and him for us! She invests a great deal of time and effort getting to know the dogs beforehand to truly know what their needs are. Oakley has been the best possible addition we could imagine and we can't thank Carrie enough!"

"I simply can not say enough good things about Carrie. We found our now dog through her and her organization. Our family had been in and out of animal shelters looking for our pup. We had specific needs. We were looking for a hypoallergenic dog. My friend told me about her and I quickly called her. She was very honest and sweet and forthcoming. We talked for a long Time. She put us on a waiting list. Very well worth the wait after getting heartbroken every time we left the shelters empty handed. We finally got the call that she had a dog that she felt met our needs and was perfect for our family. We FaceTimed and met with her and went to meet her the next day. We all fell in love. We got all our pups paperwork. She was already spayed and was chipped. We got all her food, crate, leash and harness included in the fee. Carrie is very involved with us still. I can call her anytime for any advice (first time dog owner) and she is there with any and all information. She helped us when our pup wasn’t feeling well and we were all freaking out. We just can’t say enough good things about her." - Paola
"A year before losing our two elderly Bichon Frise's, we just happened to walk by Carrie's house and chatted with her once we saw all the small dogs running around in her yard. It was clear she is dedicated to taking in and caring for dogs in need while working tirelessly to place them in the right homes. We instantly knew Carrie and the All Fur Love organization was where we'd adopt when the time came.
A year later, when we were ready, I like to say that Mocha immediately chose my husband. There were several lovely dogs and even a few puppies running around, but Mocha came right up and stood next to him until he picked her up. She fell asleep in his arms and instantly melted both our hearts. The rest is history and we adopted Mocha in August 2019. Mocha is an amazing dog and has added so much joy to our lives (and everyone who meets her)!
Carrie is a wonderful and giving human being to take in so many rescues and provide a loving and comfortable home until they are adopted. She was extremely thorough in her process of 'selecting' us to ensure we would be the perfect match for Mocha and provide a good and stable home.
We are so lucky to now have Mocha as our 'forever' dog."
Karen and Bob Lyons

Before & After pics
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A gallery of dogs adopted into happy families